
Piano Guild

Last Tuesday I went to a Piano Guild. It was my first time so I really didn’t know what it was like. Well what happens is you go into this concert hall and play on this huge Steinway grand piano (that was fun) in front of a judge. While you are playing she scores you on your dynamics (how loud and soft you play) your speed etc.
You can get A's and C's, C's are good A's are bad. C stands for special Commendation and A stands for needs Attention. Before I went in I got really nervous, so much so that I was shaking, well I just kept praying for calmness and I had to pray again after each song I played. I got 24 Cs and 1 A!
I’m really thankful to God for giving me the calmness to get through it and actually not doing horribly. So I’m pretty excited on how I did. My only A was that I needed to end the song with more enthusiasm.
I had a lot of fun and I’m glad I went even though I really didn’t want to in the beginning.