
New Blog

Check out my new blog I'm starting>> http://sheepinthemidstofwolves.blogspot.com/

Don't worry I'm still going to post on this one =P But Just Another Journal Entry is more of about me and random things that go on in my life. This new blog is about things that I am learning through the scriptures, and what God is revealing to me. So...Check it out!! =P


From A to Z

I've been tagged!!

A is for age. 17

B is for burger of choice. One with everything on it...except onions XP

C is for what car you drive. Sadly i have no car...

D is for Dog's name. Penelope and Goliath

E is for essential item you use every day. Hair Straightener =P

F is for favorite tv show at the moment. Psych

G is for Favorite game. Spoons!

H is for Hometown. NotOnTheMap, Texas

I is for instruments you play. I've played the piano since i was 9, and I have recently picked up the guitar

J is for favorite juice. White Grape Juice

K is for who you'd like to kiss. My future husband

L is for last restaurant you ate at. Taco Bueno

M is for your favorite Muppet. Kermit the Frog!! =D

N is for number of piercings. well two if you count both ears

O is for overnight hospital stays. Only one, when i was 5 i had Scalded Skin syndrome [scientific name too hard to spell/pronounce =P ]

P is for people you were with today. My Mom, Dad, little brother, and all the people at the church we visited =P

Q is for what you do with your quiet time. Study the Bible, and Pray

R is for biggest regret. Spending money that i should have saved....

S is for status. Single ;)

T is for time you woke up today. around 9:00

U is for what you consider unique. My little brother....

V is for vegetable you love. Green Beans!!

W is for worst habit. ummm, I spell out the words that people are saying in my head, which often makes me miss what theyre saying =P

X is for number of x-rays you've had. I only remeber one... when I was little my friend smashed my finger in the door, and i had to go to the doctor to make sure it wasnt broken...oh but i've had tons of x-rays for my teeth =P

Y is for yummy food you ate today. French Fries =D

Z is for zodiac sign. ....Scorpio

And now I'm tagging.... Kristen, and Taylor

I'm Catherine Morland

I am Catherine Morland!

Take the Quiz here!