
Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow...I'm tired just thinking of the busy week i've had...and what's yet to come =P

I've been helpin out at a VBS this week, I'm teaching in the Pre-k class which contains 16-18 kids...with only me and my friend...lol I'm helpin again tommorow, but then Friday....is a very full day, I'm going to a funeral at ten, then i have an appointment for Dual-credit enrollment at two, and then we have to take my nannie shopping. Then Saturday, I have a wedding [i'm an assistant photographer] so that's pretty much a whole day thing. THEN Sunday i have to pack cause Monday morning I'm leaving for children's camp [once again helping photographer, which also on tuesday were doing a puppet show]

so yeah...pretty busy week up ahead =/ but i'm excited [you can see the excitement through my drooping eyes...=P]

Youth of the Nation

Christian Pick-up lines

Some of these are quite funny...but some...are just plain mean =P

"the word says 'Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry'; how about dinner?"

"i believe one of my ribs belongs to you."

"i went on a beach mission but all I ended up doing was mission you."

"how would you like to join my Purpose Driven Life?"

"you are perfect, except with all the sin."

"so, my parents are home, you wanna come over?"

"welcome to the christian family... the only family where brothers and sisters can marry each other"

"im interested in full time ministry, and not only that... i also play the guitar."

"if we were around with noah... then you, me... pair."

"not a big fan of your last name, but thats cool, i can change that."

"i consider myself to be fisher of women. this would be referred to as "casting my net"."

"i would leave 99 sheep to come and find you... and then i would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder"

"look, you're nearly 22. most christians are 3 years into marriage by now... just settle for me."

'all im looking for is a Godly woman. i don't care that you're not attractive.'

'you float my ark.'

"if you were a leper, i would still hold your hand.. even if it wasnt attached."

"i would have asked you out to dinner, but i just put all my money in the offetory basket."





My knees hurt...lol. We had puppet practice tonight...our LAST dress rehersal...to tell you the truth, i'm kinda nervous...I mean why in the world should i be nervous...were just performing in front of around 400 3rd-6th grade kids...and all their leaders...and all the camp leaders...i mean why in the world should i be nervous =/ lol

Yeah...so the reason my knees hurt is because i have to be on my knees with a puppets legs strapped to my knees and walk around...yeah and we've been practicing on carpet...and were going to be performing on a stage..most likely wooden...

ok I think i'm done complaining

I really am excitied though...I love my Polka Dot skit...even if i look DORKY [*ahem* Kristen *ahem*]


Polka Dot

Ok so here's some pics of me in my Polka Dot costume [read this post]

Don't laugh.....lol


Do not press

I beat this game...can you?? =P


My Counter at the bottom of my page says that I have had officailly over 3,000 veiws to my page


Although....I'm pretty sure like 2,993 are my own veiws =P


Polka Dot

"HEE HEE HEE! did i hear a crwy for help?"

As i mentioned before, our Puppet Krew is performing at Children's camp, and i'm really excited. One Skit [its a human skit] is about a super hero named....da da da DA....POLKA DOT!! And guess who plays her....yep me =) . Polka Dot dresses in polka dots head to toe[mismatched of course], and her theme music is....Polka music![i have to dance like Steve Urkel =P] lol She's about 5 years old and she adores Plaidman...err Pwaidman =P [yet another human skit that is earlier in the show] "He's my mentor you know!" Anyway i love doing human skits and i think this is going to be fun. She of course can't say her R's and L's...[which for me sometimes sounds like a broklyn accent =P]Whenever we perform, i'll get some pics of me in my costume and post them later...

One of my fav lines is when she's describing why she's wearing polka dots and what they do for her:

"I'm like one of those big fishies with spots all over their bodies, and when predators come their like 'EEEK A MAMMOTH FISHY!!!' cause you know, nobody likes a mammoth fishy"



Candy quiz

hehe i'm a gummy bear =P

Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
What Kind of Candy Are You?


Puppets and such

In a few weeks our puppet group is performing at Children's Camp, part of the show is in blacklight which is always fun. One of the ladies that are in charge of this group is the photographer that I'm working for. She's taking pictures at the camp, so we both get to go to the camp all week, and stay in a hotel. So I'm pretty excited. =D


Oops, I posted quite some time ago that I was going to try to blog more, and here it is July 9 and my last post was on May 27! Needless to say i think I've fallen back on that commitment =P
I've been pretty busy lately though. I don't know if i've mentioned this before but I am an Assistant photographer, I edit her pictures and help out with the photography. There's been alot of pictures for me to edit lately =P
Hmmm why is it that i'm always thinking of stuff to blog but when i sit down to post, i can't think of anything! lol